Dont waste your valuable time and money on this website, they put very juicy deal on their website to attract customers and after payment you will neither get your product nor your money, I saw a very good deal of laptop and was about to order but at last moment changed my mind regarding the delivery timeline. But within 10 mins a person from their fraud team called me stating that are you facing some problem while placing the order.
I told him that I concerned regarding the delivery time. and he committed that you will get the laptop within 3 days, I ordered the laptop on 20 Jan 2013 and didnt got my laptop till date. I called customer care so many times and all executive seating there are like prerecorded machine, and they are prerecorded to say that you will get the product soon, I asked him that did you ever seen your reviews on internet then she replied me did you checked your delight wall.
I didnt find any link on website from which we can post the comment. All the comments posted on website is fake and being uploaded by timtara team. I am going to file a case in consumer court.
Request you all not to wast your time and money on this website.