I have been using sites like flipkart, letsbuy and ebay for long time and do most shopping online
I came through this site timtara and decided to give it a try since it had a little better price because of a coupon code I had.
so I bought a product on 7-sep but due to some family problems the very next day I asked them to cancel the order and I will purchase again after 2 weeks since I would not be available to receive the package. they asked me for a day time to confirm whether the packet was shipped or not. later they told me that the package was shipped already and it was monday but could not provide any shipping details when asked.
finally after 3 days days they gave me shipping details on thursday and tracking showed that the item was shipped on thursday which clearly showed that they lied to me on monday that the item was shipped already. on calling them they told me not to receive the package and they would give refund.meanwhile the item arrived and I refused it and the item was send back. the courier tracking showed that they received the packet on 23rd sep. I send them mails to process the refund.they didnt even bother to reply.the number is busy most times.finally again after I send the mail on 30 septmeber and I got reply on 1st october and asked me for 24 hrs time.today is 3rd october and no reply from their side till now. I have again send a mail again though.
still no reply, still no refund The worst and Most pathetic service ever.lies and lies everywhere.
hadd hoti h har cheez ki.20 days since the product returned back to them.Never Ever buy from this site.
funny thing is on their site they claim that "We reply to all mails within one business day.".at least they should honor such claims
now hoping to get a refund soon
overall I feel that one should order from such sites only if you get cash on delivery else try somewhere else