I had placed the 3 orders with TimTara.com on 26 march 2012 of total amount 14779/-
Order #10223178 was cancled by them as thes said they dont have in stock so they have cancled the order and money would be refunded within 7 working days, now it is more than 7 working days and still showing the status Payment refund pending on their website, I called many times tocustomtakeouter care they always give different different time lines.
apart from it I placed two more order
Order #10223180 Whirlpool Whitemagic 1-2-3 651 Si 6.5 Kg Washing Machine
Order #10223176 Champion By Davidoff For Men(100ml)
these two orders were suppose to deliver with in 10-15 working days today it is more than 10-15 working days still products are not been dispatched.
It is very difficult to get TimTara customtakeouter care Representative and once I get them they behave like I did some big mistake to call them or placedthe order with TimTara. Most of the time they hung up the call. I wrote many mails to Mr. Raja and CCO of the TimTara but the even bother to respond on my mail. I also wrote the mail to customtakeouterfirst@timtara.com to cancel my all order and get the refund they even cancel my orders.