Timtara just takes order blindly from u. They dont check if those items r avlble wid dem. So they wil keep ur mney for min 20 days and earn interest frm dat. After 20 days oly they start processing the order. So if the items r avlble u r lucky and u wil get it within a month.else u may hav to wait for another month. and in some cases dey wnt be able to provide product at all. den u have 2 cancel order n take stern actions for refunding the money. So it al takes a min of hell 2 months time. In 2 months they earn intrst @ rate of min 6% of ur money. Margin of the actual product they selling will be much lower than this.+ dey can diversify ur money into real estate and other such business by which they can make more money in shot span( 2 months is gud enuf for this).
in short TIMTARA is truly a matching name for this site but not 4 the customtakeouters. For customtakeouters it remains to b a DIM TARA always
Al dis is bcos timtara is reportedly to be in big loss. You pay money. They earn interest.This is the new idea of arindam bose n raja to make their business profitable. You can even see cod optin is nt avlbl in this site bcos of tis reason.
UPDATE GUYS I URGE YOU TO CHECK HERE https://timtaraandthestorybehind.blogspot.in/ for latest updates about my order