Ive been a regular online shopper. I havent seen any online shops like TIMTARA. They seems to be cheating buyers. How many of you lost your money to TIMTARA ??
Ive read so many reviews of you all. Ive been through this, I didnt get my money back even after 2 months. Let us unite & file a cheating case against TIMTARA in consumer court......... How many are with me?? Suggestions, opinions are welcomed ??
Put a word to jathinj@live.com
Hi guys., at last I got my money back today. I did continuous follow up with CC Avenue (risk@ccavenue.com)...After 20 days of continuous follow up. I just hinted them about filing a cheating case in consumer court.
Luckily, the money was credited to my account after one day....
My advice: Just follow up with the payment gateway mgmt.....now I think, payu.in is handling the payments of timtara.com Just pressurise them to get your money back.......
Never ever buy from Timtara, useless site, gives trouble. Loss of time, money and finally, no delivery.