Tipping point is a master piece....it gives voice to what we always thought was true but were never able to sustain the thought for a long enough time in order to go ahead and make a very logical chain of thought frm our musings.
Tipping point puts these little chain of thoughts from innumerable people like us and makes them into a cohesive little story.It tells us that all that wat we see importrant around us..things that have stuck to our minds , have not happened cos they were meant to happen that way.Big brands were not created big brands and that there is always a logic to a huge uncontrllable chain reaction of fans and following in the world.
The authtor very successfully and logically boils down his findings to one such unit in the whole chain which is actually the human mind.He is actually able to and very logically seperate different personality types which actually are responsible for spreading all that we see around and endorse......my word read the book...u wont regret..