I didnt cracked Cat. I tried but not........
Exactly, no one can teach the Cat cracking techniques. Only attitude, patience, decision making skill will help one to score good percentile. Cat is the toughest exam of the world. To get admission in Harvard business school, you has to fight from 10 competitors for a seat but to get admission in a IIMs, you have to compete with more than 700 competitors for a single seat. Yeh, More than 700 students fight for a seat in IIMs.
Every year, competition going vibrant for the Cat. In 2003- nearly 1, 25, 000, In 2004- nearly 1, 54, 000 and In 2005- nearly 1, 74, 000 applicants applied for Cat test.
But positive side of the Cat is more beautiful. If you will get admission in Cat, you can change the fortune of you and your family. The highest salary offered to a IIM Ahmadabad student is 1, 85, 000 Dollars. Its fantastic.
Right now, Cat is the door of brightest career in existing jobs of the India as well as abroad. One of my IIM Ahmadabad professor told me Students cried there because of the hectic schedule. Two years in IIMs make them professional, competitive, decision maker, analyst and many more......So they get such hefty offers.
Few tips from my side to crack the Cat-
1- If you are doing your Graduation than start preparing from second year of graduation.
2- If you completed Graduation and ready to give the Cat in next coming November, Prepare ar least 10-14 hours daily and seriously.
3- Minimum 10 hours study required before the 6 months of Cat exams.
4- Minimum 10, 000 Vocabulary (new databank) required to prepare.
5- Daily two hours required to study newspapers and Editorials. (English)
6- Read at least two magazines, one novel each week.
7- Try for the shortcuts of mathematics. Calculations must be strong.
8- See any type of graph in any where you find, try to interpret that as fast as possible.
9- Change your attitude. Make one decision strictly. And only try for right decision or dont answer in case of ambiguity.
10- Read whatever you love. But try to read on different subjects articles.
11- Before three months of Cat, Daily solve one set of available question paper.
12- Try to make logical sense everywhere.
13- Try to solve calculations mentally.
You must remember that finally your hard will work. So study till the one day before of the Cat. Do a lot of practice. Practice will make you perfect.
Coachings are helpful for Cat. They will teach you some shortcut methods and you will get chance to appear in Mock Cats. It is tough to say for best coaching. It completely depends on faculty. Before joining any coaching classes, first consult to students who are already joined.
Career Launcher (South Delhi, and North campus) is good in Delhi. Career Forum is good in Pune. IMS is preferable in Mumbai. But joining coaching is not the end result. One can join any coaching. Next, you can get the material of other coaching classes from the local bookstores. Practice the all coaching materials. Believe me, you will not find time to finish these materials in a year, properly. So do as much as possible from today.
If you will get good scores in Cat, many other good colleges door will open for you like S.P. Jain-Mumbai, MDI- Gurgaon, IMT-Gaziabad etc.
Every year Cat change its pattern. So try to solve the model question papers of different patterns.
Again, your hardwork will help you 99% and 1% your Luck.
But after completing two years from IIMs, you will get---
1- Satisfactory jobs
2- Satisfactory girl/boy partner whatever your choice
3- Satisfactory life
4- Hefty salary
5- Respect
6- Worldclass company
7- Worldclass car and many more things............
So doing, one time hard work will make your fortune. What is your attitude.............
If any further question come in your mind, plz drop in comments. I will try best for you dear..............