IS STRESS MAKIN U FAT? then this article is all bout how stress jeopardises ur diet n what u can do bout it!
STRESSED? come on!.
just coz ur swamped at work, ur car broke down yesterday, n uve barely had time to breathe-much less make it to the gym-that doesnt mean u r stressed, does it?sure, u admit u r a little frazzeled-may b even cranky. but the last straw came this mornin, when u found out that u cant zip up ur favorite pair of jeans.
it may not have struck u, but it might b ur frantic lifestyle thats makin those jeans soo tight. research shows that stress can not only raise ur blood pressure n increase ur risk of a heart attack or stoke, it can add inches to ur waist line as well.
all fat is not created equal. there r 2 basic types:visceral fat, which is strored in the abdomen n perpheral fat, which is stored in the hip-thigh region.
while women may agonise over their peripheral fat, visceral fat is more of a health risk n increases ur risks of heart attack, diabetes n other diseases.women tend to store more fat around their middles when theyr under stress.
REASON:they produce higher levels of hormones like cortisol.
combat stress by exercising regularly, makin time for urself n takin mini breaks through out the day.
do u turn to pasta or pizza when ur feeling anxious or down?
may b ur short on SEROTONIN-a brain chemical that has been linked with depression.a lack of it can cause depression n may trigger a cravin for carbohydrates.when u eat carbohydrates, it actually can result in a restoration of serotonin back to normal.its essentially a way of self -medicating.
however this approach is far from fool-proof.if ur body cant convert the carbs into serotonin, it may b worth checkin with ur doctor.
its important for u to realise that ur desire for certain types of foods is not always triggered by hedonism!
part of the reason stress affects ur eating habits may b due to the need to comfort urself.
when ur stressed inhibitions r down. ppl dont have the same staying power to make smart food choices. they also use food to numb themselves n as a feel-good placebo. ppl tend to associate stress with being nice to themselves n then they interpret that to mean takin lotza liberties with food that they normally wouldnt-maenin:eatin starchy, sweet foods, salty foods like french fries.
ppl tend to turn toCOMFORT FOODS like potato chips, icecreams, cookies n pizzas when theyr under pressure. comfort foods tend to b foods that either remind us of childhood when weight n calories n health werent such an issue.
the problem is that theyr often high in calories n fat n we eat more of them than we should.
women often also use food as a distraction or to cope with feelings like lonliness, depression or anxiety.they use food to numb emotions that they dont want to deal with or they dont know how to deal with
undersatanding the benefits of overcoming stress-induced eating is the first step to takin action.
ppl need to view stress as almost the most critical n important time to feel in control.going overboard with food makes us feel more out of control.
by takin care of urself, by doin things like eating healthfully, makin time to exercise n keeping ur energy levels up instead of trying to escape ur problems through food.
remember too, that severely restrictin ur calories only adds to the stress ur under.
If uve just moved to a new home or have a full plate a t work, it may not be the best time to resolve to loose that last 10 pounds.
it goes in both directions.U CANT OVER EAT N U CANT UNDER EAT.
If ur feeling anxious, overwhelmed or tense, look for options other than eating.
-E-mail or call a friend,
-take a shower or
- head out for a brief walk
-.or put on some favourite music-something that reminds u of ur happy times.
if uve noticed that ur gainin weight, take a look at ur lifestyle to c if that could b the culprit.May b u just need to watch ur diet or work out more or
happy living!
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