Lets say “Every day, in every way, we are getting better & better.
Why Exercise:
Walk down any street on a Sunday morning & count the number of people tinkering with their cars to keep them in good condition. But alas not many people will even dream of doing the same thing for their own body, unless & until suddenly they become ill or have aches & pains. Our body is the most perfect machine(or it should be). Therefore, we should try to maintain this machine in the best possible way. What you may ask, is a young commerce student like me doing writing a review on how & why to do exercise…. Well, the answer is simple: good health ought to be everybody’s concern & not solely of any doctor.
Results you may want:
How much? How long? These are 2 important questions that every beginner asks whenever they find interest in exercise. There are 3 types of people in this world & they are as follows:
1)People who want to gain weight
2)Who want to reduce weight. &
3)People who doesn’t care about their body & health.
You may train or do workouts depending on what you are hoping to achieve. If your aim is to make a good physique with first-class health & muscles(not like those big bodybuilders) then doing exercise for more than 60 mins a day is enough.
Ok, now for some useful tips:
1)The first thing I would advice you all is to take a photograph of yourself in your bathing costumes & keeps it as a record. It will give you something to look back on & laugh over in a few months time when you have earned your new physique….
2)Having a strong will power is very essential during any exercise routine. A high-quality coach or a good exercise partner is also necessary for giving motivation.
3)Do not try to work out everyday with heavy weights. The best results come if you exercise every alternate day.
4)Exercise should be carried out in a warm well-ventilated room & you should always wear supporters.
5)Always start your exercise routine with some free hand exercises. Spend atleast 20 to 25 min doing free hand exercise.
6)Exercise should always be carried out in the evening time. Though, doing exercise in the morning is not hazardous for our body but it’s still not advisable & this is because our sugar level & nervous energy are both low during the morning time.
7)If you want to make bulky muscles train with heavy weights & do less repetition of the same. But if you want a body like Bruce Lee then train with lighter weights & do higher repetition of each exercise.
8)We should always perform exercise with a full & correct movement of our body muscles as we may soon get minor joint pain is we perform exercise badly.
9)Drink as much as water as possible.
10)We should finish the training session with a feeling of exhilaration & not in a state of exhaustion.
11)Your exercise routine should consist of at least 5 exercises& these exercises should be performed in a set of 3.
12)Never rest for more than a minute during 2 sets of exercise.
13)After you have finished with your exercise routine take a warm bath or a shower as it will help to cool our body temperature.
I hope my tips will be of some use for my friends out here & if you still don’t have interest towards building your body or keeping yourself fit then be ready to lead a life of misery.
Life’s not just being alive, but being healthy.
-Martial(Roman poet).