When you use ATM machine. only take care your privacy, do not take anyone help for using atm. many time atm machine is running slow so do not cancel your transaction quickly, take patience.
any times amt deduct money from your account and you dot get your money. it is connectivity problem. do not panic.
above 70% cases money reverse in 1-2 hours in your account. if money was not deposited in your account in 24 hours. you should your home branch. or you can register you complaint online or through banks call center. every bank has toll free number you can search that number online or your banks passbook too. after register complaint banks can take maximum 7 days to solve your problems
you should not share you secret pin or any other card details like card number, cvv code, expire date name on card to any person or on call, banks never call you for this type of information. that all fake calls and if you share your card information on that type of call you can loss your money. and banks cant help you.