Style Beautifu! Fairing is a bit exposed one Bt. Works well as air intake quality is superb
Bt. If it crashes U gonna Pay a premium Cost.
Engine Performance, Fuel Economy and Gearbox Butter and a Hot Knife 0 to 100 3.2 secx? its Sounds so good Fuel economy is like u can buy one more s1000rr in a year with the cash of petrol it requires That too a premium Octane fuel.
Ride Quality & Handling Hardest in india Our speed brakers Screeps fairing.
Final Words Buy a Car instead if u love bikes Deffinately go for it I am A rich Guy I can buy a 100 s1000rr Bt. If u are savin ur money for it by ur salaries Dont buy it requires a bunch of cost I have Mercedes and a bmw cars collection and I use S1000rr as a once pack in week as I own a busaA rsv4 and a Yamaha R1000 I use My Activa as a daily commute! I am hell of rich guy My business is of Gold and coal! Ride hard ride safe.
Areas of improvement Electronics get confuse some time Malfunctioning is a Bit of a Issue.