Dear sales officials of Hero, HMSI, Suzuki & Yamaha India limited, Kindly black list for all your advertising and any link with this website and magazine.
This website is completely pro-one company, thats not really great nor OK.
But they spread wrong about all other brands except their favourite brand.
See comments with respect to that particular company they praise endlessly, many fake IDs are created and new models of that particular company is promoted through fake reviews. Even respected OLDFOX, whoever he is biased towards one particular company.
There is hero worship of that company MD and nonsensical praising of only one company.
The other companies notably HMSI, Suzuki, Yamaha and Hero products are shown in bad picture.
Undue importance is given to only one company.
Moderators openly support ONLY one company.
==8. I have had avatars of Hero, Yamaha Suzuki and Honda LOGO every time I was banned and even AVATAR was removed from my profile. Where as logos of that one particular company is encouraged. My profile has avatars of Honda, Suzuki, Yamaha and Hero at different point of time and they banned me several times and everytime they removed the logos as well ==
SO I request YAMAHA, SUZUKI, HERO & HMSI to stay away from making business with They hate your products and just scan over many threads youll find it out. This is promoted by itself to favour ONLY one company.
Making business with this will lower your image as it is biased website promoting just one company and their products.
I am proud fan of Yamaha, Suzuki, HMSI and Hero.
Thanks for reading, let common sense prevail. Blacklist for your own good, your products dont need fake reviews nor fake IDs praising your products.
My computer was also recently hacked by and I am getting vague emails as well. But I am not afraid of any propaganda, XBHP.COM will be responsible if something happens to me.
See attached picture it says reason for banning asget well soon and ban willnever be lifted, all this punishment for being fan of Yamaha, Suzuki, Honda and Hero.