This revu is juz for draggers...Infact all I m writing abt some well known 150cc beasts, when hit flatwayz. Yesterday I was writing cellphones or April fool, now back to Bikerz club. Hey..first time I raced on my own 150cc monster, most of u know it: Pulsar. But before, I used to drag on frenz bikes or bro’s 180.
Overall results of today’s race:
1.CBZ: Nitin u was right! Both times CBZ stood first coz of my fault.
2.Unmistakably Pulsar:111 reached max.
3.Unicorn:** Oops! Commuter shakes after 80.
Beamer: Almost maintained constant gap (according to n eyewitness). But performance wise superb!
4.Maruti 800 ;) what is she doing btw bikes ??? lol! Anyways 1991 model.
I can’t write much on CBZ, Unicorn, beamer or 800,
Today around 10:30 am, me on my UG2 Pulsar, 2 mnths old. Two of my friends on CBZ* and Unicorn, a guy on Beamer and last one owing Maruti800.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~First Round DND XPRESSWAY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
We all started in a very strange manner. Unlike rest to motion .we cruised upto 25 kmph steadily for 200 meters, then pumped up the power. BTW DND expressway is 6 lane, approx 4 kms.
This is how my pulsar performed->
Unicorner and me were leading initially :)
1)50-65: Unicorn 1st, Pulsar 2nd , Beamer and Maruti 800 3rd.
2)Upto 70 kph: Beamer just behind, CBZ not so far. Maruti crossed us.
3)BTW 70-95: Unicorn goes behind. Sorry no punch after 75-80. I was leading all. Beamer just inches away 4m Pulsar. CBZ coming closer.
4)95-100: Pulsar and CBZ ek saath, neck-2-neck rock steady, growling hard. Beamer still lagging. BTW Maruti Guy shook head, wasn’t interested in going 90+.
5)100-105: *Pulsar and CBZ..again neck-2-neck Rock steady..crouching..vrooooooooooooommmm.
6)105-110: My bike crossed 9k rpm. I stopped accelerating. CBZ took the charge.
Top speed achieved : 115 kph from CBZ*, 1 yr old.
Pulsar Second : 111 kph @9000 rpm.
Beamer Third: * 110 kph approx but was very close to us.
Fourth Unicorn :106 kph. Starts loosing above 70.
Maruti 800 : Shameless assh0le shooked off @ 90-92 kph. (actually 91 model can’t create helluva here).
~~~~~~~~~~~~Second Sprint @ Noida TAJ Xpressway~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
This time we dragged normally. 0-60, 60-100 and then 100+. Noida Expressway is currently 20 kms operational from Noida to Greater Noida.
Started from rest. All mentals on their respective bikes. Waiting for green signal.
1) Gear wise: *Upto 3 gears I was leading all, Unicorn inches away, 800 much anticipated;CBZ, Beamer shown poor pickup.
2) As I shifted 4th gear:.Unicorn took lead, CBZ again coming closer..Beamer very aggressive this time, overtook CBZ. Sensing their conditions, I desperately opened up full fledged @ 4th gear, touched 80. Although Unicorn’z intial throttle upto 4th gear was very impressive. CBZ overall lagging but maintained a steady gap from all.
3) From 80-100 @ 5th gear:Beamer beaten by CBZ, Unicorn too loosing out, and once again me leading all. But my bike crossed 8500 rpm, got worried what the hell coz above 9000 rpm engine enters danger mode. CBZ coming close...catching...crossed Unicorn.
4) 105+ * Pulsar touched 9000 rpm, previously did @ 111 kmph. Hence I stopped accelerating. And CBZier once again waved us all buhbye, buhbye! Unicorn and me maintained steady gap.
RESULTS @ Taj Xpressway:
1. CBZ: I expected my pulsar should touch 9k @ 114 kph anywayz doesn’t matter.
2. Pulsar Again: Gr8 Job again but y 5 kmph less@9k ????? Engine might heated up.
3. Unicorn: *Now I can definitely believe 100% bike lacks power punch. Made for commuters or upto pretty 70-80 whack, although 149cc creates noise after 70.
- Beamer: *Loosing Initially but anywayz good performer..thatz y..although I thought Unicorn vs Beamer was going on behind ;)
We all participants are experienced racers to some extent. Bikes too in good conditions except Beamer, hardly any was more than 1 yr old. But I m nt claiming this scene must happen to all bikers. When we came back, Unicorn and CBZ looked in normal condition, I sensed some typical noise, might b chirping ring noise peeping out from engine. My rpm too affected at all speeds, don’t understand y?
By the way its 9:40 pm, 7 hrs past and noise is gone now! yes the engine was heated up.
1.CBZ most secure@top notch
2.PULSAR UG2if u r a die hard racer, can beat cbz.
3.UNICORN useful for short sprints
4.LML performance wise Impressive, rest no idea!
Anywayz, don’t race before 2000 kms or 2nd servicing.
© Sandeep, April 2k6