To keep your android tab or smartphone running snoothly, follow my tips carefully:
( 1) Do install any antivirus on your device.In android there is no chance of virus infection. It automatically blocks the installation of any third party app.
( 2) Do not install any kind of cleaner on your device. These softwares keep notifying you to clean Ram, junk, appdata etc BUT ignore that. They will rather slow it down.The software CM security made my phone freeze everytime I clicked on th Clean button. Then I had to restart my phone. So guys please dont download any cleaning or security Cm security, or Ccleaner.
( 3) Do no install any battery saver on your device. The android OS is intelligent enough to use the battery efficiently. Android Marshmallow and Nougat have in built dose mode which automatically puts the inactive apps into hibernation mode which doesnt let the battery drain. If you really want to save battery, then turn down the brightness to low. This is the most efficient way to save the battery from draining.
( 4) Never click on any link that asks you to share some content to ten people for free recharge/ money. They are scams to make fool of people. You will not get any money from this.
( 5) Never click on any ad that you see on the internet unless its relevant to you. They are only for marketting purposes. The cost per click for each ad by google ranges from 0.16 to 0.5$ Thats how people make money from websites.
( 6) Do not download money making apps from playstore. They are all scams. For example, Grab points, we one, qzaap
( 7) Do not promote piracy. Always download genuine software. Do not copy paste to and from your friends.