We live in a fast pase socitey. We expect things quick but accurately, in so many words everything in our lives have to work for us. So how exactly is specing going to help? I mean isnt that a world of warcraft term anyway? Well spec in a non traditional way is when you are making a character choosing the class and knowing what gear and weapons to roll for that specfic person.
So shouldnt this mindset prove intervative to choosing your tablet? I try and stress that its not always the most expensive item that will prove to be the most usful all the time. Example? I wrote a review on a basic model HCL tablet. Yes its like 4gbs tops. Yea sure your standard tablet these days has at least 16. But lets be real its not the stone age ladies and gentlemen. Extended sds are widely avaible and cheap which honestly compensates for its lack of memory. Changing your internal Gb to ram space you practically make your own custom tablet in the process. What do you use your tablet for? What does mobilty with my device means to me and in what way do they serve there greatess purpose.
We make kany mistakes when we assume cheap means not as good. Sometimes it just means better price be blessed readers.