If you are using windows based pc here the tips what and how to use the anti virus and also which software is useful for the pc.
In windows 7 there are lack of software which keeps the system safe and secure from the virus and many bugs which prevent to damage your pc. For the windows 7 I prefer you to download quick hell anti virus because it works perfectly on windows 7 and keeps the pc secure from the virus. It is easy to use and very helpful. We should clean our system atleast twice a month to keep the pc away from the virus.
For Windows 8 and 8.1also quick hell anti virus software is very helpful same process will be done in here also by download and installing it keeps your pc secure.
For windows 10 is some different process because it has windows malware anti virus software protection. Windows 10 is new update which given by the Microsoft for free to the all the users. For windows 10 you no need to download and install just go to settings>update and security> recovery and scroll down there you can see the malware anti virus software protection. There is nothing to do with that because it will the pc automatically. This is the best built by microsft company.