Antivirus is an essential part of a computer. To keep your computer protected from threats, you must have an antivirus installed in your system at all times.
These are my tips to help you out:
( 1) Do not ever download free antivirus. They are mostly trials or 3rd class softwares that provide little to no protectioan at all. Free antivirus like avast and avira are trash. If you want to have maximum protection, always use Quick Heal. Its UI is minimal amd provides complete protection against all kinds of threats like spam, malware, data theft, phishing etc
( 2) Run a full anti Virus and anti Malware scan every week or month depending on your usage. If you dont download stuff from the internet, then you dont need to run it frequently.
( 3) Sometimes antiVirus treats some objects as false positives and put them in quarantine from where they cannot harm your computer. In case the antivirus has blocked or a useful file, you can go into the quarantine folder and restore it. Antivirus never delete a file comoletely. Moreover, if you want the antivirus not to scan a particular object or directory, you can add an exception for it in the anti virus settings.
( 4) Always keep the anti virus software up to date. Bad guys keep making new virus everyday and posting them on the internet. So whenever there is a new update available, download and install it. Make sure you have the auto update feature enabled it will automatically updates without you having to do nothing.
( 5) Do not click on ads telling you that your phone is infected and you need to download an antivirus.Some times it will make your phone vibrate. BUT ignore it.->They are clickbaits to fool people who have no knowledge about internet and how things work.Never click on any ad that you see on the internet. If you use google chrome on your desktop, you can add an extension called Ad Blocker. It will not allow any ad to appear on your browser.