As we know, an engine is the heart of a bike. It determines the bikes good health. The mileage it provides depends on how the engine is maintained. The necessary tips that must be kept in mind to maintain a good mileage are:
When you buy a new showroom bike, its maximum speed should not exceed a speed of 50kmph. The engine parts being new are smooth and need time for working efficiently.
The engine oil used must be of good quality and need to be changed on a regular basis, roughly around after every 3000 kms.
The use of clutch and gears should be proper. Instant gear change may cause damage to engine pistons.
The petrol used must be unleaded as lead content in petrol causes incomplete combustion of fuel which leads to pollution as well as a knocking sound is produced by the engine.
Keeping these few tips in mind, one can maintain his bike mileage. Hope these tips act helpful to the reader