Hello guys. Today I will give tips on bikes mileage. so lets start.1- The manufacturing company should be reputed.2- Service your bike with shedule.3- 110cc engine gives kore mileage than 125cc engine.4- The bikes having gears gives more mileage but not scooters or scooty.5- dont run your bike on speed of 20 km/h when it is on 3 or 4 th gear. so your bike will start looseing oil.6 - change the oil simultaneously.7 - Use best quality of petrol.8- Always send your bike for service in companys service center or reputed garage.9- Use same oil which is given by company with your bike10- Do not diesel or kerosene or any other fuel if your bike is run only with petrol.so guys these were the tips on mileage of bikes.