99% of all supplements don’t work, and will actually STOP your body from gaining muscle mass. Most weight gaining courses are based on theories ’’so and so’’ said that all rely on buying lots of supplements and eating incredibly un-healthy foods.When it comes to gym and fitness people in India(I would say 99% of the population) would think about…. ya you guessed it rite ‘salman khan(our dear old sallu miyan)’ or big old ‘sanjay dutt’ or internationally the terminator.
Arnold, but are they the complete world to it… definitely NOT… yes they have made it big in body fitness but do we ever bother to figure out how they have gone about it… lets look at the local gym ideology in India, in particular I am talking about gym’s in delhi and pune(that’s out of my experience) and cost ranging between Rs. 500 to Rs. 1200 an month.:
As soon as you enter them some person will come and stand besides you and you assume he/she is the instructor. You ask them the monthly fee… and they provide you with that with any special quarterly or annual package… then you request to have a look around the facilities…
Most of the time AC’s and TV’s are switched on as a selling point to you…then one fine day(morning/evening) you get ready to pump some iron, go to the gym and the instructor provides you with full attention, that lasts at max for the 1st week…after that you are an old horse…
The very first exercise unanimously is some warm-up which I would agree upon without doubts…however post warm up have we ever bothered to inquire why you are blindly following the instructors’ regime…have you first given yourself a thought on the ultimate goal you want to achieve from your workout(I strongly believe not everyone can become or is determined to become a sallu miyan overnight).
Hence, it is the most vital point to figure out among st yourself first, how do you foresee yourself post 3 months of workout or maybe a month ain’t bad target either to start seeing some results…is your instructor aware of the same…has he given a thought on the same while planning your workout regime… have you been involved in its preparation…
I strongly believe most of us do not bother about it(well it’s purely my point of view)… after first few days as the instructors involvement reduces so does our interest…then one fine day someone might whisper a word called “supplement” in your ear and you shying as it is a ‘taboo’ word go to your instructor, take him/her to a quite corner and ask bout food supplement…and the obvious response…nahin/no…
It has side effects…its not natural…you should avoid it…I have not taken it all along my workout and see the results…its only about consistency… don’t worry you will see results soon … eat more eggs…take milk…do you take meat etc….
And we go back to our routine… is the question then out of our mind, guess not…however we seldom show confidence to figure out the truth about food supplements: I will provide you with my experience on the usage of food supplements ….
Whey protein: simply Protein, all natural no side effects can be used as initial supplement, taken as maintenance supplement and almost for all age groups. Just buy a good brand which gives detailed description of the ingredients and the nutritional value per serving and what is the serving size.
The only possible side effect I have faced is stomach upset due to overdose, which one can figure out by gradually increasing and monitoring it. Whey gainer:firstly, it’s different from whey protein, the basic idea here is to add body weight, and hence the concentration is on increased calorie intake, normally through extra carbs. Unlike whey protein where the focus is on max protein intake per serving, whey gainers and high calorie drinks hence also taste better and have more variants of flavors.
Creatine monohydrate or Ethyl ester:Normally monohydrate is easily available, haven’t come across ethyl ester form in India, though have used it in the UK. Creatine monohydrate again does not give any side effects normally, only that a break is given after 8-12 weeks of usage. Its box clearly mentions people with kidney disorders should not take it.
Hence, proper usage with knowledge about ones health makes it a very useful supplement to enhance stamina and endurance.
Nitrix Oxide: Different companies promote it with names like Nitrix, NO explode etc. Basically increasing the nitrogen intake of the body. A supplement giving brilliant results during work outs, giving classic muscle pumps, increasing pumping weights and giving overall fuller, harder muscles.
Again a product with no side effects normally, however as mentioned above for Creatine, knowledge about self health is safest. Both nitrix and Creatine only need more water intake daily…which ain’t costly or difficult to achieve…
Amino Acids: Again known by different names such as Amino bombs, Amimo Caps, Amino mass etc…. are basically amino acid supplements part of which are produced naturally by our body, and the rest we consume in our daily food.
The basic idea is simply to increase its daily content so as to fasten muscle tear repair due to workout. Hence, a natural and very helpful supplement
P.S. all of the above supplements have been consumed by me over a period of time during workout days with absolutely no side effects during its usage or after stopping it, and all of the above is my personal point of view which can differ with individuals…
The advantage with us Indians, I would say is that most of us are very much tolerable to caffeine hence, are less likely to have any side effects from common food supplements. These supplements mentioned above are probably not the only ones used by professional body builders.
They are only basic ones for daily usage to keep fit and strong and add some extra calories to your daily intake which might be missing due to busy schedule or bachelor life away form home etc….Also it is not the ultimate weigh gaining formula in 2 weeks or weight loss formula kinda thing… its just my personal experience with Food supplements. Believe me, I have seeing it, probably 95% of people I have worked out with in Milton Keynes(UK) or Glasgow(Scotland) take it without any hesitation…(both male and females)
The dis-advantage however, with us Indians is that most of the popular brands are not easily available, advertised and lack variety in flavors. So not much choice, mostly the chocolate flavor is the only one available, again a personal point of view that, although I love chocolates, in supplements particularly this is the WORST flavor to take. Vanilla, strawberry, cookies-n-cream being some personal favorites…
I would say, to start with it, ask the person advising you not to take it is, have you taken it and had side effects. Majority will say no I have just heard from other, lets try and stop believing blind statements, we got our brains to figure things out for us…;-)
Food supplements definitely help.(my personal opinion as I have seen results on myself) I joined gym in January. That time my weight is around 75kg, 35waist size. I wanted to loose weight and waist size first. I am also joined swimming classes and dance classes also. After 8 months I loss nearly 12kgs and 4inch waist. feel really happy for my result.
Now I want to build muscles( I like huge biceps alot). I am going gym 4 r 5 times in a week. I ask with my coach abt supplements. he will ask me why I wanted to take supplements for energy r building muscle . iam looking for both. I ask him abt its side effects also. he tell me there is no side effects if v take that supplements. Plz guide me shall I take supplements r not for gaining muscles?. If yes, Any name and cost of the supplements and whr I can get this?
Take care