I was once a young cook, a long time ago, starting out on my own, a new bride I was. And I new about cooking about as much as my next store neighbor’s cat did! Oh I had learned to cook some things while at home, my mother is the most wonderful cook in the world. I learned how to cook grits(coming from the south this is a necessity, plus I like them); anyway, I also learned to fix fried eggs, rice, gravy, and several types of meat and potatoes, along with other various food items.(Of course to this day I can’t tell you what some of them were.) With age one learns to cook better all the time. I figure I have not been doing to bad of a job, all the family are still breathing.
At my bridal shower many moons ago I was given a set of Club Aluminum pots, which my mother swears by. They were good pots, and I certainly don’t deny that. But my mother now has both my sisters and my sets. I discovered there was something out there better for me. Some people love the Club, however, I do suggest that you turn the heat down when using them though for food will stick quickly in them.
And how to break my mothers heart by using one of those traders! Oh well, I got over that one in a big hurry. I was on a mission for a new set of cookware! I discovered that there were pots and bake ware and other devises that had this wonderful silver coating all on the insides of them.(I think it is Teflon). And it doesn’t stick! At least not to easy. Of course turning the heat down is a good thing to remember.
When my daughter got married she had the absolute nerve to ask me how I felt about Teflon coated pots and pans and cookware. I asked her what had she been smoking. I reminded her in who’s house she had been raised in. She just laughed and said “just kidding mama.” I felt rather relieved. Of course one of her many wedding gifts from her mama was a set of pots with Teflon coating.
Now days when I am seeking to buy any new bakeware, pots, pans or cookware, I look for the Teflon coated ones. For me they are the easiest. They clean up well too! I mostly just use warm soapy water. When the package tells you easy clean up, that is what it means, EASY CLEAN UP!
You need to check around though at the different stores to compare prices as well as items in a set. A good starter set to have is one with a variety of sizes and comes with a frying pan and lids. Your choice of colors are available now days.
I have also learned that no matter what kind or cookware or bakeware that you have; a good slow cooking method is always best. Because believe it or not food will stick in those silver coated things particularly if you leave the heat on high. This is really good for new cooks to learn. Turn the heat down low. Besides foods taste better cooked slowly. At least I think so.
Another thing I have discovered in cookware and bakeware is crystal. Now this is some expensive stuff, but good. I also have a set of those$1000.00 pots. They cook very well also. And believe it or not they clean up easily. But you have to remember to turn that heat down.
The most important thing to remember is to get something that you like. OR take back something that you don’t like and get what you do like. Items that are easily cleaned are wonderful and I suggest these types of cookware and bakeware.
Check around for the best prices. Don’t just buy the first set that you come to. I know how you young cooks are; you don’t want to look around, because you haven’t learned that lesson yet. I have one of you in my family, and I know how she thinks! And I do realize that not all new cooks thinks like my daughter and I praise you for trying to save a buck, but most of you do. You have to live and learn as you go.
Also look to see if the ones you have chosen has availability of individual items for sale. In the very near future you may decide that you need another pot of the same size you already have and instead of buying another set to just get that one pot, look to see if it is sold separately. Your set will match by doing this. Lids are always good to have. They are handy for many different things other than covering the pot. Such as fires, bugs and spiders. Just everyday stuff.
You should also know that if you decide to buy the Teflon coated stuff, (and there are many good ones out there, ) you would need to take care of them. Do not use utensils that will cause scratches. This is not good for your bake ware or cookware. Use the utensils better known as plastic. And some of those utensils come in that silver coated stuff now days. Stainless steel should go with stainless steel pots, pans, etc, and the plastic should go with the Teflon stuff. A cooking spray is good to have around as well.
You should also remember to turn the handles of the pots toward the inside of the stove and be sure you never leave anything unattended. If you have children follow this rule to a T. And do remember to use a dishcloth when touching hot items. So many of you young cooks forget that. Let me tell you it HURTS!(We older ones forgot that rule sometimes also.)
Just remember to take your time in deciding what kind of bakeware or cookware that you want. Check the facts for each brand, and check consumer reports as well. It is also good to read those pamphlets that come along with your new stuff, you know the one, THE WARRANTY AND INSTRUCTIONS ON USAGE. If they suggest for you to coat your new stuff with oil then do it. This will help the new cookware/bake ware to perform better and you will get a longer use from them.
Although Stainless Steel, iron, glass and aluminum are good items to have and I have them all now in my older age. I personally do prefer the Teflon coated ones. I strongly dislike the glass pots. We won’t go there.
There are different types of cookware/bakeware, all sorts of shapes and sizes and used for all sorts of reasons. Just use your best judgment. Dont be afraid to ask someone what they use, remember word of mouth goes a long way. And you may not like what someone else has, or you just might. That is yet to been seen for you. But get what you want.
Take care of what ever you decide to purchase and use common sense when cooking. Turn the heat down and turn the handles toward the inside of the stove. These are the most important.
I am sure that I have missed something, but I do hope that this review will help some of you along your way in your cooking adventures of life.
Good luck.
I hope that this has helped in some kind of way.
God Bless!
©LKD 2003