Today is the world why are mobile phones are very important in our without mobile phone life is not interesting because you can do everything with your mobile in these days now.
you dont have to buy newspapers you just go to the site of newspaper and read all the news and headlines there.
You can watch online TV in mobile also.
so if you are going to buy a new mobile for you buy the smart mobile phone because todays the world where the people are fast.
and everyone want fast phone.
so first you decide your budget that what is the range of your mobile phone you want to buy.
then search online the mobile phone in your range.
mobile phone there are three features which are more important.
the first one is Ram
second one is battery life
third one is internal memory storage.
these three points are main and there are camera, screen size, who owns tile design and manuals things you have to take while you are buying a new phone.
I advise you to buy Samsung because they have good service and support and one thing is that is Samsung J series is very much faster and colder than other phones with in your budgetaa