Hey guys Today I am talk on a most impotant topic.In which I am sayings how to buy a android mobile and when you purchase a mobile which acknowledge important for you.
There are some most important knowledge is: -
( 1) BETTERY : -
If you want a android mobile then you buy only who mobile which bettery life is too long like 4100mah power, 3500 mah bettery, Because in android mobile too much need for long time bettery.
The second thing is sound quality should be high and good, because other mobiles arrive in the market very low sound redemption.
( 3) Design: -
When you buy a phone then design of mobile should be attractive.weight of mobile should be comparetively less, not a heavy. Look of mobile is nice who want to buy.
( 4) specification: -
When you going to market and firstly you check camera, RAM, ROM. The shopkeeper dishevel in own talk.so carefully by the mobile.
# RAM: - Buy who mobile in which RAM is 2GB or 3GB so that you can install more than apps.
# Internal Memory: - Who mobile which internal memory is 16 GB and 32 GB so that you can store
data and your files.
# Processor: - if you want to buy a mobile so you check speed of processor.
( 5) Camera and Screen size: - Most important thing check a quality of camera like but dont go with most mp because it really doesnt matter at all
( 6) one more important thing that is screen size should be at least 5 or 5.5 if you want to play games and watching movies.