OK . since a detailed review is already available on how to choose shoes and what to look for, etc(which is really useful); let me not venture in that area.
Well what I have been noticing abroad with the trend of the shoes is that they are getting long. I dont mean plain simple long . I mean the loooong . with the ends really pointed as if you wanted to use it as a drill.
They are generally worn with long clothing like overshirts, overcoats, long jackets/blazers, etc with spiked/long/short but well groomed hair to give the professional look.
OK . back to the shoes .
They should be long, pointed and yes . they should have a little heel for mens. I mean a flat bottom shoe heel so that it feels as if the shoe is aerodynamic like the shape of your car(the front going lower then the rear).
For women they can have broader heels or pointed heels but the slim, long and pointed like that of mens is a must.
Now since its a trend; lets look at the practicality of it.
Men surely can have such shoes. They have nothing to worry about except for the awkward feeling for a few days till you settle down with them.
Of course you would have a tough time explaining your shoe guy that he is supposed to leave aprox 2 - 4 after your foot is in place. This means that the pointed triangle is like an extension of your shoe. If you fail here you are going to remember me everytime you happen to wear them .
For ladies the heels is entirely upto individual choice since some may be comfortable in pencils(wonder how many would that be) and some may likeem broad. It all is a matter of taste and individual style.
All that said, I think you can wait for a while since this trend will atleast take another couple of months to trickle down to india. Till then you can start gearing up for it so that you can take it in your stride and not be awestruck when it confronts you.