Hello guyz I am mayank kabra and today I am going to give you some tips on choosing right face wash and also talk about cleanser for different type of skin.
Cleansers are stuff that may use to remove make up or stickyness from the face. That could be like clear water based one from certain companies. All you have to know do is that take a little water in bottle take in a piece of spunch and nicely wipe it on your face. Or you have a dry skin you can use the one which is more creamy, milky were you take in your hand massage with your fingertips for say around 5 mins if you have the time and then you take the wet cotton not a dry cotton. You take a wt cotton and nicely wipe away. You can use toner kind of cleanser if you have a oily skin, after you have cleansed the skin and removed makeup the next step is to wash your face.
Use a foaming face washes if you have a very oily skin, acene skin. You can loo for ingredients like slaicilic acid, banzole proxide in your face wash. If you have a dry skin then look at more creamy face washes that you have. And , if you have a combination skin you can look for something which is just a basic face wash.
You also have specific face wash for sensitive skin that becomes red and dry , red because they are dry or sensitive certain ingredients and this are certain companies which have more spring water based or natural ingredient based you should look for those ingredients and they would be written on the box usally for the sensitive skin.
So skin care have been made very bery easy this days. Make sure your face should be clean all the time. And idealy any face wash should be use thrice a day atleast.
I hope friends you would like this tips.
Thank you.