The following 5 tips about Sinus:
1) Keep your cool - When the heat is on, the inside of our nose gets dry.Due to this the Mucus isnt cleared as well as usual.It is the main cayse of Sinus.Better you wear a sweater and keeping it cooler than cranking it up so you r comfortable wearing only a Shirt.If your nose not waking uo with nosebleeds or congestions, that is probably a good temperature range.
2) Humidity Your air - Keep your home from becoming too dry or too humid.Dust mites love greater than 50% humidity.If youre allergic to those, thats bad news for your sinuses.Too much humidity can also encourages the growth of mold, whicblh may also d off sinus problem for many peoples.
3) Ventilate Your home - Vaporizers can keep you more confortable if you are in the midst of a sinus problem.But you need to have it close by.It doesnt do any good to have a vaporizer on the side of the room.
Breathe the mist coming from vaporizers, but be careful if theres steam. Steam can burn you or it may be harmful to you.
4) Be water-wise - Drink atleast a quart a day.Most of the waters are plain water. Drink enough H2O everyday so the pee is generally clear. Use a bulb syringe to flush your nasal cavities and clean out mucus and debris.
5) Avoid Household Irritants - Cigarette smoking , cleaning products , hairsprays and other materials that give off fumes can all make your sinus problems worse.Better avoid these things