There are lot ways to earn money through internet here I will few of the ways.1.YoutubeBy posting videos on youtube we can earn money.Google pay the amount of money that earned by youtube. people think that they will earn money by posting videos in youtube but they are wrong. To get the money from youtube google providing adsence program to display adds over your video. If any clicks on adds link you will get some amount .if the users view the add you will get some amount this is the way of getting money from youtube.2.flipkart affiliate programmeHere we have to register with the flipkart affiliate program. After register we will get the url which will reffer us from the flipkart affiliate page after login. We have to sare our url of flipkart affiliate program over internet various ways.if any one buy from your url you will get the affiliate programmeIt is also works as same as flipkart with one difference that is here we have to share the url that refereces a perticular product by you.4.freelancer