I would wish to tell all the ones who are planning for an internet earnings... pls pls pls dont try any of them. They all tell u the things that you can earn like that and like this all tempt you to the extent that you are almost set to or even you may spend... on them to get one. But real wish and sincere request to one and all pls dont try..... They all are upto the mark to bluff you and they make money through that not you..
I will tell you what exactly they do. They tell that they are doing that this sort of some program where you need not meet any one or spend any thing. And finally when they have convinced you to the extent that you will surely do that job they put a phrase all that you have to do is to bye this guide which wil help you through. And contains nothing. Nothing means nothing of any use atleast to the indians I do mention it very clearly pls no indians never ever try this. And then asked they would say that I dont get your money for some reason and all that funda... they finally they wouldnot respond to your calls what so ever the number you call.. The money they ask for is always in dollars and that is too much in indian rupees. so pls dont try..