1: -) Make your own apps and sell them.
Now a days, the users of smartphones and tablets are increasing heavily in each country.Application Development, therefore can be a very good option to make money.If you know the work of Application Development , then you can sell your app the internet easily.
2: -) Become Tutor for earning money online.
Teaching has its own charm and if you have a deep knowledge of any subject and got experience in teaching , then surely this is the best paltform for showing your talent and skills.There are many profesional website available for giving to your teaching talent.
There are some verified websites: -
: - https://tutorvista.com
: - https://2tion.net
3: -) Earn From Website.
This is the world famous way of making money online.If you had a website running then you have surely heard about Google Adsense.
You can earn from your websites by the help of Google Adsense.you can also do advertising with adsense for you-tube channel also.For earning through most popular service of Google, you have to go here: -