Electric razor is so common in use these days, to make your appearance good by shaving your facial hair. Men/ women usage is quite different but it is pretty useful for both. Following are some tips that help you to maintain your electric razor .
Regular cleanup: build up of dead skin, hair damage the electric blade so to make ensure clean the razor just after use .
Handling: make sure that you keep your razor in case, so that it not get any damages from drop down and also use protecting blade cover too.
Change blade: after recommended usage, you have to change the blade of razor to get best performance from it.
Never overcharge battery: not over charge the razor more than prescribed time in user manual of product, this would ensure the life of product.
Use razor on dry skin: oil, lubrication can cause serious damage to your razor blade in long time, so make sure that always use razor on dry and clean skin.
I hope you get benefit from above mentioned tips by saving your electric razor.