People say I am always full of advice .. so I am trying to get rid of some by shedding some here ... :D. Ok .. I thought it would be helpful to start with a joke as if you are going through a review on this topic... then U MUST BE STRESSED OUT! Now the advices....
Identify your strengths and weaknesses...
Identify your habits ... notice things about yourself that you have not done still. For example .. having a night out is not the best option for many people ... some people are like Larks .. they are most active during the day. A typical characteristic of these kind of people is that they wake up at about the same time, no matter what time they went to bed. Then the other kind of people are like Owls .. they are most active when others are asleep. By the word active I mean to say ... the feeling that you are totally fresh... your thinking ability is at peak... and your motor skills are sharp.
Judging on that .. decide on the time you are going to sit down and study.
Other thing to notice about yourself is this... what happens to your concentration level after sitting continuously doing something? Like I have seen some people who start out really fast... then after an hour or so they are hopelessly lost... whilst the persons like me .... they sit and stare for the first hour or so and then pick up the pace.... so if you are like the former ... then give sporadic times for preparation. If you are like me .. then give time to studies in not so frequent intervals ... be mentally prepared to sit for a long time.
Identify the correct environment...
Where are you truly relaxed and focussed??? Find it out ... is it absolute solitude and pin drop silence you seek? is it group studies? Is it on your bed... with music running?? All people have different combinations that work ... go ahead experiment and find out what suits you the most...
Proper Planning ...
Plan out the papers you are looking to score the most in .. and give them your best .. but do not neglect other papers .. numerical papers are the most scoring ones .. but again they are also the most difficult if you dont know how to play them correctly.... Theory papers are lengthy and time consuming but .. they are very important from future perspective...
Know the syllabus .. and the correct books to follow .. clear your doubts as soon as you can ... (instantly if you are able to .. that is much better option always!)
Attend the classes ...
If you are a deemed university student then this is a must... attending the classes can also help in improving your sending marks .. which are always there in the hands of the merciless teacher.Also by attending the classes you will always be in touch with the syllabus and the study .. which is never bad.
Ah, also watch out for the topics on which the teacher stresses most on, if they say it is very important ... keep it in mind to pay special attention to such topics when you are wrapping things up. It is a gamble but it pays too often to be ignored.
Compare notes... the most useful invention in the course of human history has to be the Xerox machine ... always keep backup of your own notes .. or those of a person renowned to keep good notes .. there is always some one in the class who maintains highly sophisticated and detailed notes ...
All things said and done ... now comes the most important part ... study only when you feel like ... there is no perfect timetable .. if you can not stick to your timetable do not fret .. it is not the end of the world ... do selective study if you are running out of time ... but what ever you study make sure you give it everything. Do not overstress your self .. but do not use it as an excuse to take more frequent breaks. Also, try to read for knowledge than marks .. cause when you study with such a mindset ... you tend to retain things for a longer period of time. During the break time do not indulge in watching TV ... it is proven to have a detrimental effect .. engage in an activity that relaxes you .... take a stroll, make yourself some tea, listen to songs ... close your eyes .. talk to your dear one.. pet ur dog .. any thing ...
with this I conclude my free session .. if you want more details... like those on making notes, making teachers divulge the questions of the upcoming internal papers, cheating professionally, Dos and Donts in detail , personal profiling ... these are paid services ... you will have to call me to know those ... :D (those are my little trade secrets .. I just cannot divulge them on the NET!!)