What is a Exam? Is it a Devil or a monster which eats us! Many students are very afraid of Examinations either mentally or physically. An Examination is a test to detect what all we have learnt during a certain time period. That’s it? There are three types of Exams. They are Written, Oral and Practical examination. In a written examination the student has to produce the answers in a blank sheet of paper. In the case of a Oral exam, he has to pronounce the Question’s answer, to the teacher or any one in-charge. Practical exams are a little bit different from the former two. In this type of exam, the student has to do experiments, work the computer before the in-charge person. The marks will be awarded based on the students tactic’s in doing the Practical. For each and every exam marks are awarded by the examiner. Those marks represent our hard work, intelligence and our way of presentation of answers.
How should students prepare for the exam?
In my point of view a student must not Work hard. He must be cool and low tempered while in the time of exams. The time of preparation must be equally divided according to the subject. Languages have huge syllabus and various kinds of questions. Hence they must be given more preference. Students must not go through the exercises, but should practice them. By practicing a student can get an entire view of the topic which he is dealing with. The groups are very easy when compared to Languages and are marks gainers. Each and every student must try his level best in getting full marks in groups. In languages the examiner, tries to cut maximum marks, because languages are a little bit complicated and many students make small silly errors while presenting their answers. But the answers of groups are written in English and are also a little bit lengthy than that of languages. So the examiner feels some what lazy and awards full marks to the answer.
A student must revise all the syllabus twice or thrice before the exam. He must be self confident and must be able to handle the pressure. He/She shouldn’t read a lot before the exam. Its advisable to leave the books before a hour of the beginning of the examination. All the essential pens, pencils and all stationary things must be with him during the answer. He must carry an extra pen, so that he/she doesn’t face a problem during the exam. He must behave in a very polite manner with the examiner and must not disturb other students while writing the exam. He/She must not eat oily and heavy food before the exam. He/She must not study till mid night before the exam. Don’t fight with any one or get depressed before the exam as it hampers you mentally.
How to present the answers?
Presentation plays a very important role in achieving good marks. The answers must be presented in a very fair and understandable way. There must be no strike off’s and cuts on the paper. Each and every student must follow the below given steps when he/she receives the answer sheet.
1] Draw a four sided margin with a pencil or with a light colored sketch.
2] Write your name or hall ticket number on the answer sheet after you draw the margin.
3] After completion of each answer draw a line.
4] Maintain considerable gap after each and every line.
5] Under line the important lines or side headings with the help of a sketch.
6] Try your level best in presenting the answers in a point wise way. It looks very good and neat.
7] If there are any diagrams to draw, then draw them neatly and label them. Drawing a box around the diagram looks good and neat.
8] Don’t repeat the points while writing an answer.
9] Check the paper thoroughly before handing it over to the in-charge.
10] Tie the thread such that it is some what far from the paper, because by doing this there would a free movement in flipping the papers. If not some times they get tear off and you will be at loss.
Thanks for reading my review.
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© Sher aka Shabaz aka EntertainingSher 22 April 2006.