How to prepare for exams?.
this is a general question which students always want to know about.
so today I want to give you some effective and easy methods to prepare for exams very effeciently in a quick way and in very very effective method.
so these are as follow:-
do not be in so hurry.
think that you have plenty of time to do your studies.
whenever your mind get diverted or you think that you cant, then just repeat these words -
(a)- I want
(b)- I can
(c)- I will
and just fill the difference.
go thorally to our chapters and read it twice or thrice till you get sure that it had came into your mind.
watch online videos of your courses.
try to understand the lesson rather than memorising it. for more you can write me on:- for any doubt or clarifications.
with best wishes for your exams;-
sahil kumar
(a student)