Eyes are a precious gift from nature and we mut take utmost care to prevent our eyes from any kind of damage or harm. Without eyes you can not enjoy the life it will be really too much difficult to survive if eyes are damaged.
In the present day world where everyone is spending huge amount of time on Internet and computer, TV, video games etc Eyes are the main organ that gets severely affected by such habits. I would like to share some points you need to take into consideration for better vision.
Always take appropriate breaks from looking directly on screen. Its goood for vision.
After every 20 minutes its advised to remove your eyes from looking at something directly and continuously.
One should look at distant objects and move eyeballs in all directions as a part of exercise in between your job or at break.
Take appropriate sleep daily. 5 to 8 hours is recommended.
Always wash or rinse your eyes with clean and cold water. Cold water is refreshing for eyes.
If you hv any problems with eyes consultant Opthomologist .
Wear contact lenses of exact powet, if you have vision problems.
Avoid exposure to heat and bright lights.
Read books at appropriate distance from your eyes.