Two teenagers in my family had a horrific experience near Holy Family Church, Chakala Signal (Andheri-E) on the 10th of June 06. I’m writing about it, because it could happen to anyone’s kids, so please warn any young person you know, and educate them about their rights. No one has a right to inflict violence on anyone!!
An autorickshaw driver to avoid a man-hole ploughed into their parked chauffeur-driven car, damaging the door severely. Ironically his rickshaw was not damaged at all and yet he pestered them for money. The children told him that they did not have any money but that they were ready to accompany him to the MIDC Police Station, and discuss the incident in the presence of the police and wait for their parents to arrive. He refused to go with them and walked away, saying he did not want any problem with the cops.
This is where the terrible part begins - A lady passenger (of dubious background) got out of the autorickshaw and started abusing the young girl in the car with filthy and blood-curling language and raised her hand as if to hit the girl. Her young cousin got out of the car and politely asked the lady to mind her language. Suddenly, a by-stander completely unconnected with the rickshaw incident, started slapping and punching the young boy, even giving him a cut under his eye.
The two lady passengers of the autorickshaw, joined him, and started raining blows on the boy, demanding money and to know his address. A large crowd had collected by this time, but no one stepped in to save the boy. They could see that the depraved and violent man was trying to extort money from the boy, but since the traffic constable appeared completely unconcerned about the plight of these 2 kids (who were pleading for his help!!) the crowd did not know to react. Even though the young girl was crying piteously and asking the constable to intervene, he ruthlessly walked away telling the young boy that he may as well pay up. This is the most horrifying part - A crazed man in broad day-light, witnessed by a large impotent crowd, in this great illustrious commercial capital of our glorious nation, violently beat up a 17-yr old boy from a good home, (who had done nothing wrong) and tried to extort money and get his address from him – and all this WHILE THE CONSTABLE ON DUTY WATCHED FROM THE SIDELINES, IGNORING THE TEENAGERS PLEAS FOR HELP !!!
You know what the broader ramifications of this are, people?
That we live in a true-blue DEMOCRACY, Hallelujah!! Praise the Lord!!!
We, the good guys - the law-abiding, tax–paying citizens of India, whose taxes pay the salaries of even the corrupt law enforcers, bureaucrats and politicians and also bear the financial burden of all populist schemes for slum-dwellers and OBC’s - We, my friends, are treated like the scum of the earth, IN OUR OWN COUNTRY. We, the rapidly-dying out intellectual class in India, are being swamped by social parasites who breed like rabbits. Our lamentable excuses for politicians, encourage widespread illiteracy, so in a nation where humans crawl out of the woodwork, the voices of a questioning few, can be easily snuffed out. These self-serving self-proclaimed descendants of the fathers of the nation, have certainly adopted the Constitution as devised by the far-sighted British, but do not think it necessary to implement these laws and save their country from self-destruct. Hell theyve got it good....surrounded by their sycophants... and a nation full of morons who worship them !!
The laws of the land are only binding on us (the good guys) while these other “blessed human beings” are way above the law, they look after their own. We pay a very high price, to live in the land of our birth – with our hard-earned money, our honesty and integrity, our self-esteem, the sweat of our brow, tears and sometimes even our blood.