Believe it or not all these people are from the same basket of rotten tricks and tactics. No matter what, these people always try to be the menace in the crowd. Bullying around to show their power, displaying cheap stunts to gather their control, burn in our pockets to increase their domain and in the end give all the rest sleepless nights.
Yes I am talking about our very own neighbourhood guy, the well known cable operator. It is not difficult to identify a cable operator amidst a crowd. He has been the new generation rowdy, he can pounce on you to make his ends meet, he can even invade your privacy to give you the worst nightmare. In spite of all the restrictions, laws and regulations present these people just go beyond limits to seek their goal. As for me I have had the worst experiences with the cable operator and still was always in a situation where I was helpless, without a solution to the problem. They keep coming like the enemy in a more worser way than before. There just seems to be no end to this stupid monarchial attitude of the cable operators.
There are some cable operators who resort to the worst methods to keep their presence felt. The main trick they apply is disconnecting the services when there is something important to watch. Like a cricket match or a movie. Just when the event is about to begin the plug off their switches so that all the people who depend on them know of his importance. This is the most absurd and sadistic approach of the cable operators almost all around the country. In simple terms its politics mixed with entertainment in the language of the cable operators. Another example would be the other few cheap minded cable operators who keep a tab on forthcoming movies in different channels. The moment they come to know what is going on they divert the attention of the viewers to by putting the movie in their own localised channel much more before it actually comes on the real channel. This sounds so stupid and cheap on part of the operator itself that there is nothing much to say about it. . Another very good example of how mean a persons character can be is very much clear here. A cable operator from a Hindu dominated area withdraws telecasting the spiritual channels of Christians just because the area is controlled by a Hindu politician. And vice versa in another Christian dominated area all the spiritual channels of the Hindus are cut off because of obvious reasons.
Now when a local cable operator can exhibit such underground techniques either to boost viewership or to please his friends or just to have fun then how the hell can there be freedom from intolerant brains in the society. We of course have freedom to choose anything or to have anything we want already in place in the entire world. But just the very thought of the neighbourhood cable operator can bring your blood to boil at tropical temperatures. Another instance of the nuisances of the cable operator can also be attributed to being a public nuisance by putting their cables on the electricity poles. Almost all the cable operators have absolutely no common sense in maintaining their infrastructure in the proper way. Everywhere it is the same thing, their wires are either on the electricity poles or on trees. These people in fact should be taught a few lessons on discipline and ethics of life and only then be brought to business.
In fact I have heard of a few cable operators who have very strange ways (I am talking about serious action) in collecting their amount due. They resort to the worst methods seen anywhere in the world just for the petty sum. Not only that the few other people who need a bit a more of income try smart ways to increase their pocket money by giving illegal connections. Its like they bring only one connection from their office but distribute it 4 or 5 or 10 other different people and keep the these other people as their smart and easy money.
What should be done is to give lesser control these cable operators so that they keep their hands tied and remain mouth shut. You know like Bolti Bundh. Once they have lesser control their monopoly comes back down to earth and they just cannot do things like those mentioned above. There should be an open grievance cell so that complaints against them are booked instantly and even action against them is dealt with in the right appropriate manner. If nothing is done then things will cross the mark and the common man will have to bear the brunt.