Below is a self explanatory feedback sent to them to which there is no reply. I was strying for 2 years to redeem my 22, 000 points and they gave me useless stuff today.
Today, I was conned by their delaer who refused to give me InOut vouchers when the online catalog has still got it for redemption. I have got rid of the card but I am posting it here so that others are not conned by them.
NEVER pay any amount for membership of any loyalty programme. Atleast you can throw their card in dustbin if they are not interested in providing any customer service.
To The Manager and all staff PetroCards Bharat Petroleum Dear Mr. Krishnakumar and everyone else, I wish to share my experience for Petrobonus Card 7241760220710530 with you in this last email to BP -
Your customer service is WORST I have ever witnessed in any Customer Loyalty Programme. You have taken all steps to make redemption most difficult and give redemption items which we dont need.
You have extremely thick professional skin where you just ignore any complaints and do not respond or take any corrective action on escalations.
Today I was told at your redemption centre at SS, 8th main, Malleswaram that you have stopped giving In-Out vouchers also for redemption. And redemption can be done only till 6pm. It was never communicated to us and this misleading is done by BP in mailers or by your dealer. Alarm clock was not available. I had no choice but to take 2 useless watches + 2 pens.
Basically your scheme should be renamed as PetroBogus. Had your agents not conned me into paying for this card, I would have thrown this card many years ago. I will now cut the card in 5 pieces and put it in a drain unless you want it back !!
I am sharing my experience with as many persons I can and on the internet forums. To ensure that others dont get conned into your bogus schemes. It may not matter to you but Iam sure that most of your customers have similar experience. I saw two such frustrated customers at same time in the In/Out store today.
I would like all your call centre staff to know that they are working for a useless scheme. It will go bust anytime. They should look for employment elsewhere before BP shuts down this Bogus scheme. Due to the lack of response from BP to emails in past, I suspect that most staff has already left and there is nobody left to reply or take remedial action. Has Mr. Krishnakumar also left? BYE FOREVER.
Anupam Saurabh