On having a dispute with a certain service, I wanted to fight it out in the consumer court. however I was advised by a friend to take up my case with a certain party who was "alligned" with the consumer court. All I had to do was to pay a certain fee.
Time went by, nothing happened even though the two above parties met each other to hammer out a solution?!. I started getting suspicious when the party I had approached for help told me that there was no use going to the court and I should instead try for an out of court settlement. I agreed, yet nothing happened. instead I started getting feelers for more fees to be paid if my work had to be done.
Though I have no proof, i do feel that money has changed hands, between the above two parties with me being the sole loser.
The moral of this story is to approach only reputed organisations for taking up your case, or else though time consuming, one should approach the consumer court directly.