One of the major health concern factor is about Food Safety. Most people dont know the correct way to keep your food safe from bacteria and other foreign malicious creatures that we cant able to see by our naked eyes. So, it will be better to know about these small tips to keep your food healthy. Lets begin -
a. I know, it can be wired to some people to obey this tip regularly every time, but I will recommend to to do this as much as possible. This is, washing up your hands regularly with warm soapy water for about 20 seconds before and after handling with food items.
b. Refrigerate or Freeze perishables and prepared food and leftovers within 2 hours. Do not leave them for long time out at room temperature.
c. Always thaw food in the refrigerator. Never defrost food at room temperature on the countertop.
d. Never place cooked food on the same plate which you have used to held the raw meat, poultry or seafood unless you wash that plate thoroughly.
e. Properly clean the knives, cutting board with fresh hot soapy water after preparation of food every time.
f. Store Raw Meat, Poultry and sea food items by wrapping them tightly into the bottom compartment of refrigerator.
g. Wash off the dish washing sponge or scrub thoroughly after cleaning all the utensils with water. Replace the dish washing scrub/sponge frequently whenever required.
h. Do cover the cooked food or raw food with an aluminium net dome when not in use, you can get it easily available in the market at very cheap cost.
So, these are some small steps you can apply at your home to keep food safe.