Hi every one, today I am giving you a quick tips on how to getting rid of pimples and their dark spots. Now a days to there is a common problem to every girl has pimple problem.
Pimple causes because so many reasons like lot of oil in our diet, blood problem, more junk food, spicy food, not cleansing face properly, contaminated product s, sweat, stress.
I do three natural treatment steps to getting of rid my pimples and their dark spots.
First step is suppressing the pimple, for this wrap a ice cube in cotton cloth and dab it on pimple for 5 minutes. It will give you calm feeling.
Second step is spot treatment, in this there is four option,
first is take a 1 drop of tea tree oil and dab it whenever the pimple and keep it there for 20 minutes after 20 minutes remove it with cotton ball.
second is take 2-3 drops of lemon and 1/2 teaspoon of honey, mix it well and apply on pimple for 20 minutes after 20 minutes remove it with cotton balls.
third is take 1/2 teaspoon of potato juice, 1 pinch of cinnamon powder mix it well and apply on pimple for 10 minutes and remove it.
fourth is for sensitive skin, take 1 drop of raw papaya juice apply on pimple and after 10 minutes remove it .
third step of treatment is healing, for this take 1/2 teaspoon of aloe vera gel, 3 mint leaves crush it and mix with aloe vera gel and apply on pimples overnight and in the morning remove it water.
this steps follow twice in week which work very nice on pimple. also this ingredients are natural so no fear of side effects.
stay beautiful, look beautiful.