Hey folks, suffering from pimples?.I have a great solution. these all my own experience for getting rid of pimples.The best way of getting of pimples is to contact any skin care specialists or any dermatologists but that will be too costly and sometimes useless too.so if you want to get rid of pimples you can follow some of these or if possible all the points.because these had cured my problems.
The first and the initial thing you can do is to apply ice on face.It first off all helps TO reduce the REDNESS and the SWELLING of the pimple then by gradually applying it on your face helps to make skin DIRT FREE.
The second way is to apply lemon on your face. Lemon which is full of vitamin C consisting of citric acid helps to dry the pimple.
Use GARLIC it is antiviral, antifungal, antiseptic which helps to fast healing of pimples.
STEAM, steam is great for your skin anytime but especially when it comes to pimples .IT helps to open the pores and allows the skin to breathe.
The last but not the least dont try to pop it! NEVER especially with dirty fingers.
You can follow the following tips so as to get rid of your pimples. GOODLUCK FOLKS. Have a nice life ahead.