Good evening friend A job interview is a one-on-one interview consisting of a conversation between a job applicant and a representative of an employer which is conducted to assess whether the applicant should be hired.[1] Interviews are one of the most popularly used devices for employee selection.Multiple rounds of job interviews and/or other candidate selection methods may be used where there are many candidates or the job is particularly challenging or desirable. Earlier rounds sometimes calledscreening interviews may involve fewer staff from the employers and will typically be much shorter and less in-depth.
Here are a few more dos and donts for being at your best during a job interview
Job Interview Dos:
Preparing for a job interview is essential to making a good impression. Employ these handy job interview techniques to win over your interviewer:
Plan to arrive on time or a few minutes early. Late arrival for a job interview is never excusable.
Greet the interviewer by their first name.
Wait until you are offered a chair before sitting. Sit upright and always look alert and interested. Be a good listener as well as a good talker. Smile!
Maintain eye contact.
Follow the interviewers leads but try to get them to describe the position and duties early in the interview so you can relate your background and skills to the position.
Make sure you convey your good points factually and sincerely. Keep in mind that you alone can sell yourself to an interviewer. Make them realise why they need you in their organisation.
Always conduct yourself as if you are determined to get the job. Never close the door on an opportunity. It is better to be free to choose from a number of jobs rather than only one.
Job Interview Donts:Answer questions with a simpleyes orno. Use the CAR technique(Context, Action, Result) wherever possible. Share things about yourself relating to the position.
Lie. Always answer questions truthfully, frankly and as concisely as possible.
Ever make derogatory remarks about your present or former employers, colleagues or companies.
Over-answer questions. The interviewer may steer the conversation into politics or economics. It is best to answer the questions honestly, saying no more than is necessary.
Let your discouragement show. If you get the impression the interview is not going well and you have already been rejected, dont show discouragement or alarm. Occasionally an interviewer who is genuinely interested in you may seem to discourage you in order to test your reaction.
Ask about salary, bonuses or holidays at the first interview - unless you are positive the employer is interested in hiring you and raises the issue first. However, know your market value and be prepared to specify your required salary or range.