K...KKKKKKK.......KKKKK....KIRAN......NOPE it is Cricket....LOL. SRK is miffed and disgusted with the performance of his Kolkatta Knight Riders. It is really unfortunate, the man who promoted Indian womens Hockey team is witnessing his own Waterloo of expectation. The glorious game of uncertainity is not understood. However SRK has refrained from making public statements and kept his cool in defeats. Whereas Mallya has openly rebelled against his teams Captain, Coach and players. The frustration seems to be catching up. It is more of personal prestige at stake. However Royal challengers pulled of a thrilling victory against Chennai Kings, was it fixed. Nope. Dravid proved a point to Mallya they still have some steam left in them.
Now SRKs SMS to the team got leaked, into the media creating an ultimate flutter. LOL. Here is the extract.
"Story time boys... I told you if you keep losing you have to bear with my long, boring msgs.... This is your punishment.... Many times I have made movies which dont do well.... When Im doing them, of course, I dont know they wont do well.... The story is written by somebody else and I just do my bit as an actor. But I have a way of dealing with flop stories..., I try my best to keep my character in the film at a level that it makes a failed story also special for me....
"I enjoy the work. I make jokes about the failure. And, of course, feel awful about it too.... So, right now, all of us have become part of a failed script. A bad IPL script.... Lets try and keep our characters worthy of still looking back at this story and remembering it as a special story becos we all worked very hard at this....
"So, chin up and dont spoil yr character in the next two games.... Lets go out with a bang and not a whimper.... In films, we say u r only as good as yr last film.... So lets make the whole world know how good we r in the last (maybe not) two games...
"Also, do ignore all this bit about Dada, me and John having issues.... Its a normal thing in the world.... People like to hit you when u r down. So, we will be hit.... No stress.... It will make us stronger.... The only way to avoid this is to win. Thats one of the reasons why everybody likes to be a winner....
"On the other hand, the beauty of failure is that it brings people together.... So, lets stick this out together.... You know me well enuff to know I am not the kind of owner who has issues with the team cos of losses... I am too much of a sport myself to get beaten by defeats. Like you guys are. Like Dada and John....
"I am still trying to understand the code of conduct expected of me at the matches of the IPL.... ICC... Etc.... After I understand it, I will decide whether to accept it or not.... Till such time, I will be with you guys at the hotel... in the meetings etc., but wont come for the matches.... So, please dont ever feel it is anything to do with us as a team.
"I am as dedicated to my Knights as I am to my kids.... Only, I wont be coming to the class room till the headmasters rules are understood by me. I am a bit anti-Establishment kind of a guy, so I apologize for this quirk to u all. So, heads up.... Have a good match and lets make 200 runs tomorrow.... This 150 seems to not work any more.
"We have nothing to lose now, except our character.... Lets not lose that.... Lov... SRK."
Dada now it is your turn to reply with your BAT rather than mouth. Let the BAT do the talking, for god sake don t in T20 matches.