I keep seeing these ads in newspaper & finally spoke to them & found its totally legal with contract agreement on stamp paper. So I went ahead & invested in this. After about 3 days I get my first project. You need to complete 1200 pages in 15 days.
Proof reading Project. In the beginning it took me time to understand what their meaning of proof reading is & by then I lost few valuable days. I somehow managed to complete as much as possible & sent it but after 7 days I got it back for rework & rework needs to be submitted in 3 days. An impossible task but I still attempted. I didnt get paid for this project as I didnt manage to complete with the required accuracy. I took it as lesson learnt. 2nd project took more than a month to come, that too after a few reminders. Finally it arrived just couple of days after my sister & kids came over for holidays.
Still somehow I managed to find time in between & managed to complete only 500 pages but still submitted the project. I continued with my proof reading of the remaining pages but it got tougher as I had got a full time job. After 21 days they get back to me with the accuracy report when they were supposed to get back within 5-7 days. So I wrote back to them stating the report is not acceptable as it came much later than the specified 5-7 days. And they write back that its nowhere written in the agreement that theyll get back within 5-7 days. And that is when I realized that I have been cheated.
Only the brochure mentions this based on which you make the payments. The contract agreement comes only after your money reaches their account. So my humble request to all those who work from home, please do double & triple checks before you invest. These all are just ways for making quick money to these companies. Am yet to come across a company that actually keeps their word & pays.