I was wrong on the subject as I know the fact now and I too a sufferer & cheated by these people. Please do not fall in such traps, believe on long term real gains. There is no real business as such.this warning is to them who think that an additional income would add to their life style, instead you will be bolted and fooled by these site creators. It is I believe a type of cyber crime and should protested through out the community, and no one should think that I had tried to make this lucrative on my earlier posting, I wrote what I thought rather assumed without tasting the bitterness of the sight.
The posting was just what I thought I should share among the community. Please do not believe such sights, but it is so much strong that it also appears on the branded papers locally and nationally, it should be stopped by the editors of the news papers from accepting such advertisement through out. Let us wake up and do something as it will weaken the society.