Every body wants to make his/her house as he see it in her/his dream. But now a days dreams do come true, because of lot of things which are available in the market to decorate your house.
The first things to start while decorating your house is your main door . The items to decorate your main doors are:
Main door with a Ganesha portrait.
You can put small pot with flowers on your entrance door.
The door bell should be melodious.
Drawing room
*1. You can put sofa straight then two chairs across the table and space left between sofa and chair put T.V their and in center put small round table and put nice crystal astra or a flower pot.
If you have dinning table that also you should place it opposite to sofa.
Put nice painting
Beautiful clock
Curtain which should be loops
Big Flower Pot with out flower adjacent to chairs.
Bed room
Put only almirah which should be in a wall
Dressing mirror & bed
One thing keep in mind dressing should not placed in front of bed . Your image should not be seen in the mirror because it will give ill effect to your body.
Side table . Put phone and one flower pot.
Always use single mattress as per vastu
Dont keep clutter in the box bed
Cabinets and drawer should be there.
Every thing should be kept inside
Dont keep clutter in your kitchen
You can keep refridgerator also in the kitchen which is convinient.
Pooja room should not be in a bed room keep this in your mind
No leakage should be there in any of the room
Dont put your feet in the direction of sunrise.
Balcony must be clean and put beautiful flowers in a pot to decorate it.