TYPHOID FEVER a serious disease related to our abdominal disorder & this fever is caused by the BACTERIA SALMONELLA TYPHI & PARATYPHI.
As we know that there are various types of diseases are around us, so it is the duty of the people to protects himself/ herself from various diseases. TYPHOID FEVER is contracted by the drinking and eating of bactrial infected contaminated and food or water.
The S.TYPHI bacteria comes through our food and water and store in our small intestine and enter to our bloodstream and spread to all over our body and parts like spleen, gallbladder, liver, and also the bone marrow.
IN HOMEOPATHY there is a medicine called BAPTESIA Q is being used to cure S.TYPHI fever. It does not has side effects as homeopathy medicines are safe to use without any side effects. Finally if anyone get into typhoid fever from many years and the fever does not cure anymore after taking medicines than contact me .i will help u to cure in 3 months. Thanking u