BIO-CHEMIC SYSTEM OF MEDICINE. You have read the review on Homeopathy written by Deepak, M.R. To supplement Homeopathy, the TWELVE TISSUE REMEDIES help the patients in faster recovery.
How? Just read and know that these remedies are within themselves capable of curing most of the diseases on their own. There are only 12 medicines used in this system. These are
Calcarea Phos 2. Calcarea Sulf 3. Calcarea Fluorica
Natrum Phos 5. Natrum Sulph 6. Natrum Mur
Kali Phos 8. Kali Sulph 9. Kali Mur
Human body is made up of millions of cells which are arranged in a various specific groups. These groups have well defined functioons. The vasrious functions of our body are:
Raspirastory, Digestive, Circulatory, Nervous, Excretory,
Our frame of body-viz formation of bones and skeleton system
Muscular system-comprisding all muscles of the body,
Covering of body -the skin for maintaining proper heat and discharging extra heat
through persipration.
To throw out unwanted Urea and Cids we have Kidneys and Bladder.
Our Sensoring System-eyes, ears, nose
All our celks need Oxygen, Water, Food and excreation of all unwanted rubbish.
Our body is made of Cells and these cells are made up of the salts mentioned above.These cells are vital units of our body while waterr and oither organic matters are inert matters used by these salts in building the cells of our body. Any defeciency of any of these saltswill disturb the normal functioning of our body and shall make us ill. Due to deficiency in the salts equiollibrium is lost and our body comes into the state of "disease" or "Unnautral Statye of Health."
How do these salts form our body:
Mag Phos, Kali Phos, Natrums and Ferrum -make our NERVES cells
All the above plus Kali Mur -make our Muscle Cells
3.Silicicea connects these tissues
- Calcarea Fluior helps to maske Elastic Tissue Cells
5.Cac. Fl, Mag Phos, Calc Phos and Silicea-make Cells of Bones
6.Natrum Mur-makes up Cartillages, Mucus of Muscles, solid and fluid body parts
- Ferrum- helps Hair and other Crystaline cells alongwith other salts.
Utric Acid and new cells are formed by the action of oxygen upon organic substances
phosporic Acid is formed by oxidation of lecithine present in nervous tissues, spinal cord, brain, and blood cells.The reactions of the salts make Carnbonic acid, Phosphoric Acid, Sulphuric Acid, resulting in Crbonates formation and throwing out Carbolic Acid.
Thus these Twelve salts help in making our body organs functional and keep us fit.
These are known as constitutionasl remedies and will supplement the process of healing. It will make you healthier at a fast rate if Homeo Medicines are also used along with.
Further additions to this review shall be discussed in second part.
Hope you will benefit with the informtion given above.