Hello, everyone as a student I dont support Hostel Life cause many Demerits are available which can rate as 7/10, & Merits 3/10 so after Life in Hostel here some information or Tips: Hostel Lifes Demerits;(1) Mess is for Business; yes, friends Mess is a that type of food-factory which has only cook potatoes.(2)Party in Hostel; Many time Party at hostel cause of FUN or someone Birth-day.(3)STUDY is zero; study is the last things that do on here, study is real when finals exam.
(4)Miss Houses food; Tasty and specially Food not available .(5)Take Fast-food; For hungry take many Fast-food(Maggi, snack) which effect on Body.(6)WIFI is everything; Because of WIFI do Free Downloads, watch YouTube many times it effect to concentrate study.
(7) smoke and Drinking ;sometime take smoke and Drinking it become Habits. Hostel Lifes Merits;(1) More responsibility; wash own cloth, worktops etc.
(2) Friendly nature; Make many friend together.
so here some informative Tips on Hostel Life. you have to choose which is right.In other words it depends on you.