Investing money is simple if you have the will and resolve to save money.There are no of options to invest money for long and short term purposes.
Long Term - Real Estate, Land
The disadvantage in Land, Real estate is lack of liquidity or money required in 2 or 3 years time.
However it is an excellent investment for a 15 or 20 year period.
Short Term - Mutual Funds, Gold, Shares, Bonds.
Short term investment opportunities are slightly risky but offer liquidity at short notice.Shares can be purchased in SIP mode and withdrawn whenever required.
Same for the mutual funds and Gold as well.Its better to have money stacked in Long term investments untouched only in cases of emergency.Short term or ultra short term methods like Intraday trading in commodities & shares should be done only with very small amounts.
Investing is simple if followed with above steps and if followed cab make your retired life very fruitful and peaceful.